Patty Graham

Patty Graham




Patty is a former ExxonMobil environmental and social team member with almost 30 years of experience in various roles which have included SHE management, regulatory compliance, public and government affairs, community relations, social sustainability, and governance, with extensive experience in projects around the world. Among other responsibilities, she updated and delivered an internal, semi-annual five-day socioeconomics training for five years, as well as being invited to deliver socio-economic training modules within the context of other subject-matter training, internally and externally.  

More recently, Patty has led the development of Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessments for global projects in the extractive and power sector industries. Her other work has included developing Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and Management Plans, performing Environmental and Social Due Diligence reviews for major development projects to international lender standards, and supporting World Bank-sponsored mediation between extractive industries and local communities.  

Acorn International

1702 Taylor St, Suite 200B
Houston, TX 77007, USA

1213 Purchase St
New Bedford, MA 02740, USA


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