ESDD Assessment for a Chlor-Alkali Plant, Trinidad and Tobago
Acorn International and its in-country partner in Trinidad and Tobago performed an Environmental and Social Due Diligence Assessment for a proposed chlor-alkali plant in Trinidad.
The assessment was performed under World Bank independent review requirements and under contract to an international Equator Principle bank in cooperation with the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB) and Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).
Our work required a comprehensive review of the project EIA, risk assessment and related plans to determine compliance with applicable standards and requirements of the national government, World Bank/International Finance Corporation, Equator Principles, IADB, OPIC, and other international institutions.
Acorn International’s report provided extensive analysis of environmental, public health and safety, and social impacts, proposed additional controls and mitigation measures where needed to meet the international standards, and presented a detailed action plan for the proponent and Lenders to follow in supporting investment decisions
Projects & Experience

Acorn International
1702 Taylor St, Suite 200B
Houston, TX 77007, USA
1213 Purchase St
New Bedford, MA 02740, USA